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IPFS moderator.
Mar 22, 2024
Hỏi đáp Chuyên Gia

How to Use Chunk Size Larger Than 1MiB for DAGs?

I am looking to utilize a chunk size larger than 1MiB for DAGs. Would I need to organize 1MiB chunks into DAGs of the desired size, then group those DAGs into a superDAG? While I understand the network's transfer limit on mebibyte chunks, is there a method to achieve this? Any insights or guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

  • IPFS
  • Libp2p
  • IPLD
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IPFS moderator.
Mar 22 2024, 13:37

Yes, you can achieve that by maintaining a chunk size of 1MiB. By creating a block that references all the individual chunks, you can establish a root block. Subsequently, these root blocks can be linked together as needed.

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