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IPFS moderator.
Mar 22, 2024
Hỏi đáp Chuyên Gia

Difference between "ipfs remote" and Pinning Services API

I'm curious about the distinction between utilizing the "ipfs remote" commands/endpoints for remote pinning and directly interfacing with a pinning services API. Are there fundamental differences in functionality, or does "ipfs remote" essentially serve as a wrapper for the REST APIs of pinning services? Any insights on this comparison would be greatly appreciated.

  • IPFS
  • IPNS
  • IPFS Cluster
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Câu trả lời

IPFS moderator.
Mar 22 2024, 13:22

The ipfs pin remote command allows users to utilize the pinning service API to pin data on a remote pinning service. This feature enables users to store and manage content on external pinning services through the IPFS ecosystem.

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